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A Ruby gem for encapslating the content and resources referenced by Java Web Start jnlps - stepheneb/jnlp

JxCapture Demo Application TeamDev Ltd. JxCapture Demo Application… It is based on the Matt Valeriote's original version and the revised version by Emil Kiss and myself. Mike Behrisch and William DeMeo have also made important contributions.

This is a list of file formats used by computers, organized by type. Filename extensions are usually noted in parentheses if they differ from the file format name or abbreviation.

Random Access File This sample demonstrates features of JNLP's JNLPRandomAccessFile API. A user-selected file is opened as a random file for both writing and reading. The application first writes hard coded strings to the file smf then reads whatever was written and displays it to the screen using standard AWT Container and the TextArea components.